Renske Ensing


Renske Ensing Online Project, Business & Operations Manager offering systems and structure to micro and small businesses using LEAN methodologies. Her way of working is rooted in the Dutch consensus-based decision-making method known as “the polder model.” This method has been described as a pragmatic recognition of pluriformity and cooperation despite differences. Additionally, I incorporate some of my inherent Nordic efficiency and directness, and it is supported by LEAN Six Sigma methodologies. Before starting her journey as a freelancer, she worked 20+ years within the Education and Software development industries gaining experience in consultancy, customer success, SCRUM, Agile and project management She’s passionate about taking a proactive, mindful and holistic approach to working with her clients seeing the business as more than just the sum of their parts. Renske alternates between The Netherlands and Dublin, both are considered her home base.

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