Lissa McPhillips


    I have been a noteworthy leader in commercial marketing for over 25 years and have worked with prominent industry leaders such as Esat Telecom, Digicel, Dell and JP Morgan, where, as a member of the European Senior Management Team, I reported to a US-based Board of Directors and was accountable for achieving aggressive revenue targets in addition to growing and developing the European marketing team. I now work with SME business owners to help them grow their sales with better marketing so that they can invest in and grow their business with confidence. My c-suite expertise in traditional and digital marketing allows me to see the bigger picture and recommend activities that will deliver better results. I don’t take a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Instead, I work with the business owner to identify what they want to achieve with their business and, from there, build and implement a plan around the activities that best support and deliver against those goals. I also ensure that measurables are in place to calculate a return on investment across all activities. This strategic marketing approach delivers results and allows businesses to compete effectively and successfully. My areas of expertise include strategic planning; creating and implementing marketing strategies and marketing plans that are aligned to revenue goals; mentoring internal teams; digital and traditional marketing; lead generation; retention strategies; and growing brand awareness.

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