Digital Process Innovation

What is a digital process innovation grant?

This grant is designed to encourage businesses to adopt advanced digital production techniques and service delivery methods, ultimately boosting operational effectiveness, productivity, and competitiveness. Funded under Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (2021-2026), the grant supports projects that either promote the digital transformation of a company or further the goal of decarbonising the enterprise sector. Eligible projects should introduce innovative digital or automation systems, offer enhanced digital experiences for customers, or implement sustainable production methods that reduce waste and emissions. The objective is to foster a significant leap in a company’s capabilities and operational efficiency, with innovation being gauged against the company’s current state rather than industry standards.

Benefits of digital process innovation grant for businesses

Operational boost

Encourages the adoption of advanced digital techniques, enhancing operational effectiveness.

Competitive edge

Facilitates a step-change in company capability, driving competitiveness.

Generous funding

Provides up to 50% of eligible costs, aiding in significant project financing.

High ceiling

Offers a maximum grant potential of €150,000, beneficial for both SMEs and large companies.

Informed guidance

Opportunities for specialised advice from agency advisors, ensuring clarity on grant details and de minimis funding for large companies.

Strategic investment opportunities

Create avenues for strategic investments in technology and digital infrastructure, opening doors to innovation and future growth.

Who can benefit from digital process innovation grant

The Digital Process Innovation grant is designed for businesses seeking to enhance their digital reach. Ideal candidates include Enterprise Ireland client companies with 10 or more employees and their high-potential start-ups with a minimum of 5 staff. Local Enterprise Offices and Údarás na Gaeltachta client companies, with a two-year business track record and a staff of 5 or more, are also eligible. However, firms under IDA Ireland should consult their agency advisors. It is essential that applicants possess the financial capability to execute their proposed projects in alignment with Enterprise Ireland’s growth strategies.

How The Agile Executive can help businesses secure the digital process innovation grant

Expertise in grant navigation

Leveraging deep knowledge of the application process to streamline and optimise your submission.

Strategic consultation

Offering tailored advice to align your business objectives with grant requirements, maximising approval chances.

Robust network

Utilising connections with key stakeholders in Enterprise Ireland and other relevant bodies to stay updated on grant nuances.

Project feasibility analysis

Ensuring your proposed digital innovations align with the grant's objectives, emphasising innovation and business impact.

Post-approval support

Providing guidance on grant compliance, ensuring businesses utilise funds effectively and adhere to stipulated guidelines.

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